Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hiking On April's Fools Day!

The weather is warming up and the flowers are blooming!  I hope it will last.  On April Fools Day I went on a hike near Okpo with a few other ladies.  We started at a small Temple and ended up at these rocks/cliffs overlooking the water.  Here are a few pictures I took along the way.
Bell outside the temple

Little statues outside the temple

Natural stream along the hike

On another note..
I am going to the Cherry Blossum Festival on Thursday.  Hopefully we won't get any strong winds before then.  All the trees are in full bloom right now and it is beautiful. Then Saturday Tommy and I are flying to Perth, Australia for 13 days.  We will get to see Brian & Elena Ondrias along with Myles!   I will try to keep our trip updated while we are there.

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