Monday, September 5, 2011

Big News!

Many of you may be wondering why I am still in El Campo and not in South Korea with Tommy.  Well we are excited to "officially" announce we are expecting our first child on March 24!  After a very long journey to get to this point we are extremely excited and can't wait for our baby's arrival.  In the meantime, I am not able to fly back to South Korea to be with Tommy.  While this is so hard, we realize we have to do what is best for the baby's health as well as mine.  We are crossing our fingers I can fly back for a little while, but we will just have to wait and see.  For the time being I am living back in El Campo with my mom and Doug since our home has renters.  Although this wasn't our plan to go through the pregnancy apart, we are making the best of it.  We are so thrilled and can't wait to grow our family!