Thursday, April 19, 2012

1 Month & We are Surviving!

I really thought I was going to be the mom who would keep this blog thing going for Theo from the start, well I feel like I have already failed!! We will see how I do in the future :)
Things having been going pretty well, no super stressful nights (well maybe one or two!). But I have to say I think our little family is moving right along and life is great! Theo has has been a great baby and usually only cries when he needs a diaper change or is hungry. Of course he is absolutely adorable so it makes things so much easier when you see his face at 4am.

Here are a few pictures from the last month.

Ottis seeing what is going on 

First playdate with Sophie Kutach

 I love all of his faces!

At 4 weeks old!