Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day in South Korea

It is snowing today in Okpo!  I can see all of the school kids playing in the soccer field outside our apartment now.  Although they have a long and cold winters this doesn't happen very often.  It looks beautiful, but makes me a little nervous about walking to the grocery store with the steep hill I live on.  Last thing I want to do is fall down with bags of groceries.  Sorry Tommy we may be having left over rice a roni for our Valentine's Day dinner!!  Good thing we had our dinner on Saturday night.  We started out at a local Western Bar called WA Bar and had a few beers trying new things from Thailand, Australia, Belgium, and Singapore.  Then we headed to Michael Jackson's Ribs.  It was so much fun and cheap!  They pre-cook a rack of baby back ribs (which really don't have much meat on them) and bring them to your table where you have a grill in the middle and finish cooking them.  It was only $6,000 won which is less than $6 for a rack.  They call it Michael Jackson because you wear a white glove to eat with and help keep your fingers clean.  Remember sucking/licking your fingers at the table is very rude here!

Quick note on South Korean Valentine's Day-The women usually give the men in their life chocolate candy today and then on March 14th the men who received something on Valentine's Day return the favor but with something a little more pricey than chocolate candy such as flowers or jewelry!

MJ Ribs!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you Korean style! Make sure you give Tommy lots of chocolate!
