Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1st Korean Meal

After my tutoring lession on Tuesday, my neighbor Malan and I went to find this restaurant that her boyfriend heard had the best fried rice.  Well who doesn't love fried rice?  I was all about it!  My tutor was nice enough to drive us to this hole in the wall place.  We walked in and NOT one person spoke any English and since I only know 3 phrases this wasn't going to get us too far.  The waitress/owner sat us down at a table and brought us a wet towel and then walked away.  Where is the menu?  Do I get a drink?  What about silverware? These were thoughts running through my head.  We patiently waited and after about 15 minutes they bring us this full meal.  Remind you we never ordered!!  Oh and I still have no drink.  So this meal that we have in front of us is in the pictures below.  I was a good sport and tried everything except two items in those sides dishes which included raw oysters in some red sauce and then a veggie that just didn't look to good.  The main dish was steamed rice layered with unknown veggies and two fried eggs on top.  Then there was some sort of broth that we were supposed to pour ontop of the rice mixture and lastly a hot sauce to mix in.  To say that it was enjoyable would be a mistake, but I guess if I was starving then I would have to eat it again.  Oh and it was the cheapest thing we have had so far, 12,000 won which is less than $12 for two people!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of food! Some of it looks very interesting too. Love keeping up with your adventures through the blog. Hope all is well.

  2. Okay so you got some bibimbap and some kind of Jigae- kimchi Jigae or dwinjung Jigae - well one word to the wise- the menu is usually up on the wall of the restaurant (not that you could read it!) and the drink is typically water that you have to go and get. Most restaurants like this don't even have coke but I'm not sure. Also, they will never come to you to take an order- you have to give them a shout (Yo-gi-Yo!) to get them over to the table. What you say once they get there is another matter. Fried rice is call 볶음밮 and is pronounced BO-kum-bop and there are many varieties- some with meat and some without. "Bop" in Korean means "rice". It's funny that your friend didn't know any of this either!

    What are your plans for next week? if we can manage to get over there on the busiest week ever for Koreans, we will. Looks like you could use a primer course for life in Korea!
