Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 1 as a house wife!

Today is Day 1 of my new job, House Wife!!  I never thought this day would ever happen in my life!  My day started off at 4am!  Not exactly what I wanted to happen, but I can't seem to sleep very well here.  It may be jet lag or that box spring they call a mattress.  So I started my day by finally finishing Gone with the Wind (only took me 6 months), making coffee, cooking breakfast, starting a load of clothes, watching a little CNN, showering, Skyping both parents, checking email all by 9am!  That surely should be 1/2 days worth of activities!  I have got to start sleeping later!

This afternoon I took my daily walk to the grocery store and decided to try a different route and found this great outdoor market with fresh produce, meat and of course fish.  Strange enough they have someone selling clothes right next to a fish vendor.  I will take my camera next time so you can see what it is like. However, I didn't buy anything.  I am still shy because I have no idea what anyone is saying and much less what the food is they are selling (well what I am supposed to do with it!).  Eventually I will break out of my shell, but it is only Day 4 in Korea!

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