Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Geoje Road Trip

We call it "the coca-cola beer" since you can just
close it back up and stick it back in the fridge.

Serious Soccor Sunday outside of our balcony.

Our first beach visit.  The little platforms are seafood farms.

Turtle's first Korean beach.

The Ocean Palace Hotel, pretty cool place.

Looking out into the Pacific.

One of the finer Korean homes we've seen.

It's a crappy pic, but we had to set the camera up
on a set of steps leading down to the beach.

A little stop at the top of the mountain going back
to Okpo.  Nice view.

It was about 25 degrees F today, and there's still die
hard fishermen out kinda guys.

There is a little town like this in every cove of the
island, every few miles, just one after another.

Rice fields are also at the base of every town.  They
have little canals that lead from the Pacific so I'm
pretty sure they irrigate with sea water.

A little sign at a tourist stop....I can just hear the Koreans
saying "ooooh John rain was here". 

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